Trimatt FoldLine 9000 automates the processing printed media into glued and folded paper media suitable for meal sleeves and any other folded and glued packaging with impressive speed. Trimatt specialise in custom process automation machinery and industrial print systems.

FoldLine 9000

Trimatt FoldLine 9000 was developed to automate processing printed media into glued and folded paper media ready for distribution to market for sleeves suited to ready-meal packs. 

The FoldLine 9000 can feed, glue, fold and glue at speeds that will keep you competitive. The system comes standard with two feeders, pattern gluer and folding module.

Camera systems and inkjet printing can be added to give greater capabilities, helping you satisfy even more market opportunities.

All integration is handled by the Trimatt team – inhouse. So for any special needs – leave it to us.